Monday, November 9, 2009
Online Marketing and what you have to "Learn for Yourself"
You know how it is when you "get a hair up your azz" (children friendly lol) - Tonight I got one and have to share an email -
The bottom line is this: No matter how much I 'tell someone" what they should or shouldn't be doing, there is only so much advice a person can give - I've been talking to someone who I really like, but was at a point where I didn't feel like i could help her - I wanted to, i really did...
tonight i got a very friendly warm email from her - I got that "hair" and sent her an email back - with the best advice i could give...(Yes, this is LONG! :)
Hey Norma,
how are you? Anytime you get a subscriber, you will receive an email notification that says something along the lines of "subscriber campaign alert" - that tells you anytime someone signs up -
With Alert Pay - Make SURE you are able to accept payments to it - Even pay yourself if you need to. I had some stupid setting on there (months ago and I forget now, sorry) and had 4 payments sent to me that I never got the money for - It's one of those "why would Alert Pay even make that an OPTION" kind of stupid thing - So, send yourself $5 or whatever, but make sure it's accepting your payments - Has nothing to do with upgrading to a business account or anything, it's some stupid back door setting and caused me to miss money -
If anything doesn't work on Alert Pay, then just use Paypal - Better to lose a few sales on people that won't use alert pay, than to lose several sales by having Alert Pay as an option but not taking your money -
day and night - this is tough - it's not an easy thing for me to pinpoint...Traffic Exchanges are good for building a list...they aren't good for selling and the people who mostly use them are part of the 97% who fail - What I mean by this is they are mostly newcomers, looking to get rich - As derogotory as that sounds, I say it for a reason - You MUST be thick skinned when it comes to exchanges as well as safelist advertising and even every other type of online advertising out there - People are looking for easy, and if it's not easy enough, they bounce right on to the next person telling you how easy THEIR system to say "online marketing is tough" is extremely understating it - What my goal is now is to get 100 "prospects" - Out of those prospects, maybe 10 will actually even look at the emails or pay any attention to it at all - Out of those 10, maybe you get 3 or 4 who have seen enough crap to realize that TEP is actually an incredibly powerful system - Of those 3 or 4, you get 1, maybe 2 people that join -
Now as bad as these sound, and I admit it sounds bad, it's just reality - Out of 100 people that actually Sign UP for more information, very few will ever do anything with it - I myself signed up for TEP 3 or 4 times before I paid attention...But when I did, it all clicked -
Those are the people that you WANT - Here is why TEP works so well - Remember those 100 prospects kinda thing - when i say 10 will act6ually look, you still benefit - and here's why - More than 10 people of those 100 WILL join under you in Traffic Splash and Traffic Witch - That alone is worth the time your putting in now - Not because "those people" will make you huge commissions, but because they are surfers - They need more credits for their time. And so you have to keep in mind that each referral you get for Traffic Splash and Traffic Witch is another chance for you toe earn commission (hopefully) and traffic credits -
i'm going too deep here - but i'm trying to get to the point :)
I have a thick skin with online marketing because I've been around awhile - Now, I understand that most of our prospects are basically tire kickers looking for easy answers - I'll take them because they MAY eventually realize how good this system is - And once I get a few of those, then it's only a matter of time before they quit or get serious - And THAT is what we are out here for - The SERIOUS people - Once someone has seen enough crap, they realize it's do or die time - Most of them die and quit/give up whatever...but that's normal - When you get a few of the serious people, THEN your downlines REALLY take off...
and at that point, you start earning - You get the OBA upgrades, you get the Traffic Witch Upgrades - Traffic Splash Upgrades - And Traffic Wave referrals - That is the BIGGEST part of all this - Traffic Wave - If you get 5 or 6 SERIOUS people in your Traffic Wave downline, you will start making Real money -
These are all things that took me a long time to realize - So have a thick skin and see where the potential is - Remember we are all out here advertising OUR program...It takes a LOT of the same thing (people seeing the same thing) before we start to think "what is THAT program doing that makes IT so successful" - We all WANT to be successful of course, there is just so much crap out here it's nearly impossible to find anything good -
if your not getting prospects, focus on building a list of some sort elsewhere - For instance, when I first started I advertised EasyHits4U HEAVILY on my website - I didn't have a hidden agenda, I just thought it was the best exchange - and I am about helping people learn from my own experience...Anyway, i'll cut this down a bit :) - By advertising EasyHits4u, i built a downline of people I can email - Same thing with 4x4 hits - Same thing with a lot of exchanges - By following up with your downline, you can share what works for you - now even if it's not working up to what your expectations are (*this is where it gets grey for me honestly - the difference between sharing and selling is a tough one for me - My best advice is to just sell, because nobody likes to be "shared")_anyway, your expectations might not be close to reality - BUT, NOONES REALITY IS LIVING UP TO EXPECTATIONS OUT HERE - And if you show them YOU have something that can help them, then they need that (whether they realize or not - this is extremely helpful and would have saved me MONTHS of wasted time if i'd just concentrated on TEP only)_
so build your email list somehow - traffic exchanges, the TEP system - use the safelists I recommend - Whatever it is that you can go in and send an email to people - it's SO MUCH MORE EFFECTIVE than an "ad" that they see over and over....
I now have an email list over 1k people - it took me a LONG time to build it and to be honest, they are pretty useless - only useless from the standpoint that they don't buy anything from me - And bottom line is what we can get people to buy - lets be honest :)
So i know i've gone on and on now - Work the system - work the best exchanges - send as many hits as you can to your ad's - Try different TEP ads - i would say track them, but this has neven been my cup of tea - I just sent TONS of traffic and hope for the best...If you know how to track your ads, do it - see which is working best and what is a waste of time -
but do this - STICK - stick with this - It IS a great system and it DOES work very well - Just try to focus on the long term goal (traffic wave referrals) and the little stuff will trickle in (oba sales, traffic exchange referrals, free credits and so on)
I hope this helps - I know i got super long winded - I really FEEL where your at - When I started I had all those same feelings...My problem was i wasn't desperate for any money - I just wanted to succeed and felt like the money would just come in time....So I hear what your saying and where your at - Just keep working and learn - when your surfing, learn - what catches your attention? What makes you want to take a 2nd look - Compare those to YOUR ad's and is it getting the same results....
I wish i could "impart" 2 years of surfing knowledge on you, but it doesn't work that way...I do what I can, but there is just that "have to learn for yourself" stuff that nobody can teach you...
I hope you stick with it - I really do - cause it is that good...even though it feels SO frustrating to not get results like we want/expect or even need -
And if you read this far, you are truly looking to be successful - So here is my link for Traffic Exchange Profits:
Monday, August 3, 2009
#1 on Google - WOW
This weekend I found out that I rank #1 on Google for the Keyword String "Real Online Business"
What that means is that anytime someone types that in, my home site shows up #1 - There are 360 MILLION results for that search phrase - I'm not sure, but i'm guessing that means there is a LOT of competition for that keyword string.
I'm proud because to me, that is really what the entire intention of Affiliate Curve is about - To help beginners start a real online business. I am in affiliate marketing (I guess, maybe it's actually online marketing or network marketing), but still my site is about resources of what I use and how to get STARTED in online marketing -
So the keyword string Real Online Business is very fitting, and exactly what I would choose (if i had a choice lol)
First, let me say I've never really focused on SEO. I never accepted offers for reciprocal links to other people's websites. I never exchanged links - I didn't do a bunch of SEO research or pay anyone to optimize my website.
I do use Spin Success - I still recommend it 100% - The first 3 months I was on Spin Success my Alexa ranking went up 700k spots. Basically took me from absolutely unknown, to a spot in the top 500k websites online (although obviously it would be even better to be in the top 100k)
But a couple months there I changed URL's and submitted my GDI site, the Real Money from Home site, and even my Best Places to Bet Online website -
Now it's back to Affiliate Curve being submitted - and I'm sure it will climb the Alexa ranks a bit more once it's steadily submitted -
A year ago I was getting 40-60 hits daily to my website - These days I get a stead 80-120, and quite often get over 150. I've also hit the 200 mark several times.
It's not YouTube traffic, but for a complete newbie, I'd say that is a fairly decent amount of everyday traffic for my website. And that keyword, Real Online Business, accounts for nearly 50% of my traffic - So that means I'm getting ORGANIC search engine traffic -
The best kind of traffic possible - No timers - they aren't clicking for credits - they are looking for something...Now with that has come more and more emails from people saying "How do I make money online?" and "I don't have time or money, can you help me" -
I understand where they are coming from - hey, we all want that big button. But I don't have an answer for them. Everything I have achieved and the business that I built is ALL because of work. I offer my own reviews and advertising resources that work for me, but still, it takes work -
The only thing that's making money for me that DOESN'T take work is Ad-Ventures 4U - But it does take money :)
anyway, had to post that I hit #1 on Google for that keyword phrase - To me, it's pretty damn impressive. And I've never gone after that - I didn't design my site or try to "fill" the stuff with keywords. I just wrote what I knew and about my experiences...
to me, that's pretty damn cool -
And yeah, I'm gonna throw a link in here to Spin Success - Cause it really is that good :)
here is your link to SPin Success - Now go find other keywords to go after - Real Online Business is on LOCKDOWN :)
(Actually, i don't really want any competition - i need all the traffic i can get :)
have a good night -
Friday, July 31, 2009
My Early Safelist Marketing Returns
95% of those wanting to make money online never make ANY
4% make some money, but not nearly enough to live on
1% can support themselves, their families, and make an ever increasing income
In order to succeed, you MUST learn how to advertise. No 2 ways around it.
The past couple weeks I've been focusing on learning Safelists. I read various sources that all said Safelists are actually very good advertising tools, if done properly.
There was 1 main reason I never used Safelists before - TIME - Everything I saw about safelists required clicking hundreds of ads - constantly - just to send 1 of your own. I didn't like what I saw in Safelists myself and didn't concern myself with them - I just didn't use them
I was wrong - Safelists actually are delivering VERY good results for me. Not anything near PPC quality, but better than Traffic Exchanges (although I love traffic exchanges for different reasons)
I still hate spending a lot of time on anything. I really prefer automated advertising - Set it and forget it! That's what I love - But that costs money.
A couple weeks ago I went through a 3 day period with ZERO signups for my newsletter - ZERO - It was because I had to cut my PPC costs significantly. I was disgusted - Success with ALL online business is about getting NEW Prospects, constantly.
So I focused on safelist advertising - Over the past few weeks my daily signups have gone from 0 back to 5-8 every day.
I've been advertising my home website,
My GOALS when I started with Safelists:
Find out if they were effective
Use them with the Least Amount of TIME requirement Possible
That really was it - I didn't want to spend a bunch of time. I don't want to click ads endlessly. I don't want to be forced to view endless ads in order to send mine.
Here is what I'm using:
Elite Safelist - The 1st safelist I joined. Ranked #1 by Traffic Hoopla at the time. I ended up taking the 3rd offer giving me 25k monthly credits for $7.50/month. That saves me HOURS of clicking.
With Elite I'm able to save my messages - So I can just go in and click "Send with Credit Mailer" - It's fast and simple -
What I really LIKE about Elite Safelist is that it takes you Directly to the advertised website. So when people click my ad, they hear my voice and see MY website (not just an email where I have to become a copyright expert)
European Safelist: Again, found on Traffic Hoopla. I ended up getting a silver mailer member here. It's $3/month and comes with 10k bonus credits. You get to send your ads once/day - Again, the credits link takes people to YOUR website
Safelister: 100k credits just by joining. Post your ads when you want. 25k members. Excellent credit rewards here for reading emails. Downside is that because we all get so many credits, less people have to read the emails. So response rates are lower - Still, for absolutely free, you get to go in and email your ad all the time. And the 100k starting credits just for joining is a huge bonus!
Million Leads for Free: Been promoting this for awhile now. Great service - Totally free, click on 10 ads daily, send YOUR ad to 5k people everyday. They have over 3 million members and they have daily log in rates of 65% - 80% - This means a LARGE % of the member base logs in daily to read and send ads. Totally free - Takes 5 min's day - You send ads to 150k people every month - FREE - Unbeatable
IPost Ad: This is something I recently found and I absolutely recommend it. IPost Ad has a 1 click system where you join 2,913 safelists - OVERNIGHT - 1 click and your a member. You get to post your ads daily to over 3 million people, through 2,900+ safelists.
They also include a website submitter - Free
You also get a banner ad rotator - FREE
IPost Ad is running a special where you get the full upgrade for only $12/month. For this amount, you get to submit ads to 2900+ safelists, daily. You get everything included with that $12/month. Over 3million people will see your ads, daily - My results have gone WAY up because of IPost Ad.
Target Pro Blaster: I've used this one for a couple years now and STILL highly recommend it. You get to send your ad to 3+ million people every day. This is a 1 time $10 fee - That's a LIFETIME membership! You also get 100% resell rights. So you earn $10 each time you sell Target Pro Blaster.
You get to send ads daily and you get 100% resell rights. Unbeatable value
Here is how I'm using these:
The safelist reviewers I read say they like to send about noon because that is often a great time for people to go check their email. Sounds good to me -
I "try" to write GOOD TITLES! This is the difference between getting clicks and not getting them!
Try to be catchy and grab attention - Take a look at what gets YOUR Attention, and why - Use different titles and see what gets more clicks.
Getting credits:
You still have to click some - What I do is this:
Update: Important Tip! READ THE SOLO ADS!!! These always carry the most credits. You usually get 3-4x the credits of regular links. By reading 1 solo, you are often getting the equivalent of reading 4-5 single ads (people know this, which is why Solo's are SO Valuable!)
I surf every night for my Ad-Ventures 4U account. While I'm surfing, I just open my "List Email" and click ads for Elite Safelist & European Safelist (sometimes safelister when i'm low on credits)
By doing this, I get 110 credits each link from Elite, 75+ from European.
Since I'm already committed to surfing Ad-Ventures 4U, I take that same time and click ads then.
It takes me about 10 min's/day to send my ads this way
It takes me about 1/2 hour/night to get credits (so I can post daily ads!)
My website hits to Affiliate Curve have gone up 50-80 visitors DAILY since I started using these. My newsletter signups went from ZERO to 5-8 daily. I also got 3 GDI signups the first 2 days I used IPost Ad.
These are NOT PPC results - But PPC costs a lot of money - For very little investment, you will see results from Safelists.
I'm not going to say these are THE BEST safelists ever. These are what I started with, and what I'm using right now.
You can do this same thing in 30-40mins/day - These are proving to be excellent, inexpensive advertising options for me
And that is a VALUABLE combination!
Here are the links again:
Elite Safelist
European Safelist
IPost Ad (my best results so far!)
Target Pro Blaster (100% resell AND daily advertising resource!)
Safelister (100k free credits when joining!)
Million Leads for Free
to YOUR Success,
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
How to get MAJOR traffic from Traffic Exchanges
However, this is also very applicable to ALL Traffic Exchange Users, if they want to learn how to REALLY drive Traffic with Exchanges.
UPDATE Sept 13 - I've had a few questions about how many hits I'm talking about. I'm talking about 20,000+ hits, every month - That's what I send on Traffic Exchanges - That's what I've been sending for awhile. Over the past 3 weeks (since launch my own exchange,, I went and bought even more credits and am on a pace to send about 30k this month)
Surfing wise I used to surf 6-8 hours each week. I would surf 9 to 10 exchanges at the same time. Using Firefox this is actually easier than it sounds - On avg, I would get 100 hits on each exchange, per hour - So a 1 hour surf session would earn me 900 to 1000 hits -
So with this math, my approximate surfing results would generate 6k - 8k hits/week -
I did spend some money also - Traffic Splash, Ilove Hits, Swat, HitSafari and a few others I have pro memberships at -
I was surfing this much when I was focused on building Traffic Exchange Profits. Over a 6 week period I got over 250 prospects into that system.
I also used this to build my own Power Traffic Email List - Got over 550 people on that list, but it took several months - *end of update :)
I want to keep this as short and informative as possible, so I will TRY to avoid going into too much detail - Fact is I could write PAGES of tips about what to promote, how to get referrals, how to earn income, what type of pages actually work on traffic exchanges, building your own list -
Short & Sweet "Trust me on this" tips -
Download Mozilla Firefox - Surf 5 exchanges at the same time with Tabbed Browsing - You will get at LEAST 5x as much done this way!
Use a ROTATOR! Enter JUST your rotator URL on ALL your exchanges. Many reasons for this, but most of all it's a huge TIMESAVER! By updating JUST your rotator, you automatically update ALL your traffic exchanges at the same time (vs. having to go into 10 different exchanges updating your websites!) I use Track That Ad - It's 100% free with zero reason to upgrade.
Use ONLY Splash Pages! Short Sweet Pages that demand an action. Do NOT promote an affiliate link or sell anything directly on an exchange. Surfers are only there to get credits to advertise THEIR websites
That's enough to start:
Traffic Exchange Profits is what I use. This is the most streamlined and effective Traffic Exchange system I have found.
It builds referrals for traffic exchanges - You earn instant income - You build residual income - It comes with TONS of EXCELLENT advertising pages - And it only costs $5 to enter and use this system
Short & Sweet Results list from TEP - 72 referrals for Traffic Splash, 42 referrals for Traffic Witch - 5 Traffic Wave signups - $285 instant income - Various other referrals for traffic exchanges because of Traffic Hoopla.
The system does all the selling - All I have to do is give away the free reports - The system does all the followup, all the explaining etc.
In my first 5 weeks with TEP I have 185 prospects - People who have signed up for the free report and are receiving the follow up letters.
Those are OUTSTANDING results from Traffic Exchanges - However, I'm not going to kid you. I send MASSIVE traffic in order to get those kind of results.
Lets get to the DIRT :)
The Best FREE Traffic Exchanges:
WebBiz Insider - Easy to earn credits, top ranked, email your downline features.
Traffic-Splash - Always top ranked, bonus credits, great promotions
EasyHits4u - Great free traffic exchange
Hit Safari - Lots of bonus credits, highly ranked exchange
HitsBooster Pro - Newer exchange, outstanding to surf
4x4 Hits - Great free exchange - Good to VARY your promotions on different exchanges also!
Now, you take 5 of those, add your rotator (only!) as your 1 website, and allocate all hits to it.
Reality Check Time: If you think you will get results from surfing 1-2 hours/week, you are way off. These are the best FREE Exchanges and you can earn enough credits to start achieving results, but you will NEED to surf - The best way to get MORE credits from your surfing is to surf longer sessions - As in, give yourself a 2 hour block of time, open up 5 exchanges, and surf them all.
Why? Because most traffic exchanges give you ESCALATING surf ratios. As in, you will often get more credit after you surf 100 pages in 1 night, vs. surfing 30 pages daily all week long.
Like Traffic Splash has a great promotion where everytime you surf 100 sites, you turn in a support ticket and get 2,500 text ad credits - FREE
So surf 2 to 3 nights/week for a couple hours each night.
How to Spend SOME Money and get MUCH Better Results!
I am a spender when it comes to traffic exchanges. I have several pro memberships and I will buy the OTO credit specials when I have some extra money. The Traffic Exchanges below are NOT worth surfing, unless you are a pro member -
I might be writing too much, but there is 1 important part that I want you to get when it comes to spending any money on Traffic Exchanges:
You don't spend money on a pro upgrade so you can advertise 30 different sites - This does nothing but DILUTE your efforts! You don't upgrade for the 700 credits/month or whatever. You don't upgrade for Banner or Text credits (although you SHOULD be using them - never buy them, but always USE them - they are FREE!) -
The only reason to pay for an upgraded membership is the Surfing Ratio - That's it - With many free exchanges, you have to surf 3 sites to get 1 hit. Those sites are NOT included in my best exchanges (aside from Traffic-Splash, but that is made up for with the bonus credits)
Yeah, even if you do spend money, you should still be surfing. But when you spend money, you get 2-3 times as many credits as free members - That's the ONLY reason to upgrade
Here are my favorite exchanges that I recommend a Pro Membership for:
Traffic-Splash - Good for free also, but the pro earns you 50% commission and a much better surfing ratio
ILoveHits - $9/month gives you at least a 1;1.25 surfing ratio. You will OFTEN be earning 1.5 hits and sometimes 2.5 hits for each site you surf
Hit2Hit - Always top ranked exchange, but don't join unless you get a pro membership. What I did was join free, then waited for a special offer. Right now I'm on a $7.50/month pro membership with 500 credits/month, but I get the 1:1 surf ratio - So take one of the special offers, or don't use it
SWAT Traffic - The sister exchange to ILoveHits - Some of the best upgrades online. 5k hits/month for $15 (special!), $9/month for 2,500 credits, 50k banners, 100k text ads (again, special one time Offer thing - otherwise pro members pay like $16/month here - not worth that much)
Traffic Witch - If you can afford the OTO, GRAB IT! Here is why - $67 for an entire year is a GREAT deal. But beyond this, you will earn 50% on all upgrades. By getting just 1 upgraded referral, you earn $50 INSTANTLY! Nearly paying for your entire year membership! If your using TEP, I would highly recommend getting the upgrade here (and not just because i'm in it :)
HitsBooster Pro - You get an automatic 1 week upgrade here when you join. What I was offered after this was a full 1 year membership for $35! With that I get the pro surf ratio, 50% commissions, monthly credits etc - All on a Traffic Exchange that is top ranked by Traffic Hoopla! This works out to be about $3/month - That's a STEAL
HitSafari - Special offer to TEP members. Inside the TEP members area you will find a very special link where you get a pro upgrade at HitSafari for $6.99/month - The regular pro membership includes 500 credits/month (around that) - With the TEP Pro Membership offer, this same membership gives you 1,500 credits every month! Again, this is ONLY for TEP members.
If you can spend, say, $40/month on traffic exchanges, you will get exponentially more traffic for the same work. You earn higher commissions, you get better surf ratio's, random referrals etc.
Even if you can only spend a few bucks, get a Traffic-Splash pro membership and the ILoveHits membership - You get a LOT of extra traffic this way :)
So yeah, I highly recommending spending SOME money on traffic exchanges - If you want results, you will have to send massive traffic. That comes down to either Time or Money - Save your time and spend some money -
Here is 1 more "hidden gem" - Each time you get a Traffic-Splash referral, you are offered a 1 time credit special for Fast Easy Traffic (in the Da Da Da Downline Email). The special is $10 for 2k traffic credits - If you purchase this from Fast Easy Traffic, you will then get ANOTHER offer for the same 2k credits from Traffic-Splash - If you can afford to buy credits, do this! The regular 2k hits at Traffic-Splash is about $15, so you save $5 each time - And 2k hits is about 20 hours of single page it's worth it - if you can do it -
Like I mentioned, this is specifically geared for my TEP signups. But you can use the same exchanges listed here to drive a lot more traffic to your sites - Whether your in TEP or not -
If you want to earn instant income, build referrals for ALL traffic exchanges, and build residual income, use Traffic Exchange Profits!
If you combine this traffic exchange training with TEP, you WILL get outstanding results!
To YOUR Success - Paul
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Free Site Signup Review - Go To HELL
Holy SHIT I've never been so frustrated with an Affiliate Program - Well, not never, but it's been a LONG time since I've been so fuming -
Free Site Signup is KILLING ME!
Last month they sent me 18 notice of earned commissions - Those at $50/each, along with my bonus, had my READY TO BE PAID commissions at $1030 -
Couple days later I go in and it shows only $250 earned - And my signup bonus of $100 GONE -
I have went around and around with these guys - After I paid the 1 year hosting, they somehow cancelled it for a few days. I had to call support to get them to look it up and get it back on -
I spent 2 weeks asking them to fix 1 of the links at the bottom of my page. They kept insisting it was correct, and all i needed to do was "clear your cookies and hit refresh" (As if I'm some f'ing moron, right?) - I finally told them I checked the link on 3 different computers, work, home and my buddies work computer - ALL of them had the same WRONG LINK - Just like I had explained. Suddenly they went in and fixed it -
Over my first month I was getting 1-2 signups (paid signups) everyday, spending about $8 advertising each day. This was a hefty profit margin, since Free Site Signup pays $50/referral. So for my advertising money, I was earning possibly $50 - $150 each day - On Limited advertising dollars
I was intentionally keeping it limited, because of all my experience with Affiliate Junktion. I was NOT going to drop $5k in advertising again and get totally screwed (sorry this isn't a very family friendly email, but i'm pissed still)
After I started to see 2-3 signups daily in pending commissions, I raised my advertising. I was like "FINALLY< some money to be made here!" I mean for me, this is what i KNOW how to do - Pay per click advertising - Yeah, it costs, but it drives visitors in - I am able to get 100+ visitors every day for about $10/day spending. If only 1% convert to a sale, that's $50 earned for each $10 in advertising....
Then the wheels all fell off - Several people from my personal email contacted me, saying their links weren't working right. I took a look and noticed no signups over 7 days, despite increasing my traffic over 2x - I contacted support who insisted everything was fine - But I was positive something had to be wrong - I mean, how do I go from 1-3 signups daily with light advertising, to zero signups over a full week, with 2x as much advertising?!?! Yeah, doesn't make sense at all -
I shut off all my advertising - I didn't email my list - I updated my site and moved it way down the ranks - But still, I somehow had faith in them. I guess it wasn't faith so much as it was almost desperation perhaps.
Because the truth is that if Free Site Signup could keep accurate records, I could easily earn $300+ every day with the program. I know exactly how to get MASSIVE traffic to a website - It's just a matter of if that traffic is WORTH me paying for
Free Site Signup is still telling me that everything they show is accurate and correct - but here is where I'm at as of this blog post (or should i call it Pissed Off Rambling :)
Yahoo charged me for over 5k clicks sent to my Free Site Signup page
I had 12 people from my PERSONAL email list contact me, telling me they joined, and 3 of them sent me their receipt (I had offered my list a special deal where I gave them my own PPC tips and tricks to get massive traffic for cheap - and yeah, several of them took it)
My pending commissions as of yesterday were $250 - Meaning only 5 people joined and upgraded?
The stats shown in my Free Site Signup back office shows over 1,756 clicks - Aside from the fact that this is RIDICULOUSLY low, lets say that's an accurate hit counter - Out of 1,756 clicks they are saying only 5 people paid $8.95 to join and get their $100 signup bonus???
For what it's worth, I have read that 'about' 1% of clicks or visits to your sites will "convert" into a sale for your website - Pretty low percentage, but lets look at that.
if only 1% converted, I would have earned 'about' 18 sales (again, I am 99% positive that their counters are VERY low) - So what Free Site Signup is now telling me is that they have The Worst Converting Pages in the INDUSTRY???
That is VERY hard to believe -
And beyond this, my signup bonus of $100 is gone from my pending commissions. Not exactly sure how that happened, and despite me sending in 4 different support requests, they continue to NOT answer that question specifically - They keep saying "We are aware of your case" -
When I was promoting affiliate junktion, they did a "pay per lead" deal - everyone that visited your site, then clicked through and left their email, earned you $2 each time. I was REGULARLY getting $250+ days there. I was sending 500+ clicks regularly, and would get 75-150 "leads" everyday -
And this is after NUMEROUS support requests sent in by me - They cancelled my account AFTER i paid the hosting fee - They had the wrong links in my page and insisted it was ME who didn't have a clue -
I stuck around so long here because of the earning potential - Fact is I could make a fortune with this - If it would keep stats accurately -
But instead, it looks like I wasted another couple months, about $500 - $600 in advertising, and countless hours of effort and promotion...
And you want to know what is worse than ANY of that? My reputation with my list - My clickthrough % from my personal email list is DISMAL these days. I used to regularly get 15% clickthrough (meaning 15% of the people on my list opened my emails) - Of that, I would also get a healthy "clicked links" % as well -
Nowadays, my opened and click %'s are TERRIBLE - Like often below 5% -
That is far worse than losing the Free Site Signup money. I really do my best to promote GOOD opportunities to my list - And the Free Site Signup fiasco made me look like a fucking idiot - Yeah, obviously I use my email list to earn money and build referrals - But I ALWAYS did it with the best intentions, and I always did it AFTER I tried the program out myself...In this case I did try it out - Everything did seem fine to me - Support was prompt - signups were showing up - Money was rolling in -
I don't really feel like any of it was "my fault", but I know for a fact that my reputation with my list will never be the same now -
and that just fucking sucks - As if it's not hard enough to build a list of subscribers, I gotta have a shitty affiliate company make ME look like the jerk -
Thanks a lot Free Site Signup - Go to hell -
And I do apologize for the Non Family Friendly blog post - But in this case, I still don't think it's enough
Sunday, June 28, 2009
How To Make Money with Traffic Exchanges
I've also gotten hundreds of referrals, thousands of free credits and built up an email list of over 600 people using nothing but traffic exchanges.
When I first started online marketing, I promoted nothing but affiliate links. Long drawn out sales pages that nobody wanted to sign up for - See traffic exchange users surf exchanges so they can promote THEIR business. It took me months to even realize I was wasting all my time & credits advertising stuff that nobody wanted.
I was determined to succeed though. I know that people using traffic exchanges were just like me. Newbie marketers who wanted to build an online business and get as much "free" advertising as they can.
I quote free because traffic exchanges are TECHNICALLY free - But in order to get some results with them, you either have to spend some money or spend hours and hours of time.
Neither your time or money are free - I want to make sure you understand that this post isn't about a "sign up, do nothing and get rich" system that I have - This still is going to take some effort and time from you - And some money - hopefully as little as possible, but it will make a big difference if you can spend a little *unless you are willing to surf 3-4 hours everyday - i'm not :)
The most important thing to Traffic Exchange success is this: You need to give surfers what THEY need! And that is more credits with less work.
There are a couple ways to get more credits with less work - Pay for them or build referrals. Paying for them is an option, but you need to be careful here. I spend about $40-$50/month on traffic exchanges and I still surf 3-4 hours per week. I spend my money on upgrades at the better exchanges and spend my surfing time their as well.
The other way, and much better, is to build referrals - When you get referrals for traffic exchanges, you earn a % of their surfing - So when they surf, you get free credits. The more referrals you have, the more free credits you get (the more free credits you get, the more free advertising you get for YOUR websites!)
Now as easy as that sounds, a lot of people go about this the wrong way. They will advertise traffic exchanges directly (on other traffic exchanges) as a way to get referrals - This takes a LONG time to build any kind of a good base.
There are better options, like a downline builder. Where you promote 1 page, and it builds up traffic exchange referrals under many traffic exchanges.
The best program for this is Traffic Hoopla - They rank the top 25 Traffic Exchanges every week. You put YOUR links in for each exchange, and then anyone you refer to Traffic Hoopla can build up referrals for you across any/all of the best Traffic Exchanges.
But here is the thing - We are surfing exchanges to MAKE MONEY! And building up free credits is great, but at some point you have to be making some money.
Despite all the free credits I built from Traffic Exchanges, I was making very little money. Even less than what I was spending monthly on my upgrades. Not a great way to spend your time :)
See I learned, tested and worked on these concepts above for about 6 months. I surfed exchanges like a madman, advertised various programs like crazy, and STILL got no results. I was getting signups, and building a list, but still not making any money!
A few weeks ago an online marketing friend sent me a link to a program called Traffic Exchange Profits.
A lot of people send me ads all the time. I have quite a contact list and I advertise all the time. So it's natural to expect some reverse advertising. I can usually tell the difference between someone who is "selling" to me and someone who is genuinely making a recommendation because something is working for them (and believe me, online networking in THAT regard, is the most valuable networking you can get! When you build a friendship and trust with someone, and they recommend something, it's worth looking into)
I'm trying not to ramble on and on - really :)
When I saw Traffic Exchange Profits it all clicked - I had actually signed up for TEP a couple times before, but never taken it seriously - Just glanced through it, figuring it was more garbage like the other stuff I'd done.
But Traffic Exchange Profits actually makes sense.
It builds every aspect of a complete business - Instant Income, Automated Follow Up and Residual Income - All by just promoting 1 link.
Traffic Exchange Profits comes with 15 different landing pages. All these are short and sweet and designed specifically for Traffic Exchanges (as in Splash Pages). These pages offer 1 thing - A Free Money Making Report. So anyone who is surfing an exchange can grab that report and take a look at it on THEIR time.
When surfers are checking email or whatever, they can go and see the report.
This is one of the best aspects of Traffic Exchange Profits - Here is why: It does all the "selling" for me. It explains how to build traffic exchange referrals, how to earn instant cash and how to build residual income.
It showcases 2 traffic exchanges that are Excellent for earning cash from: TrafficSplash and TrafficWitch - You can earn 75% commissions on your referrals upgrades through TrafficWitch. This is an unbelievable commission rate! You can also earn 50% commissions on your Traffic Splash referrals.
Both exchanges also pay 10% commissions to free members - So even if you can't afford the upgrade right away, you can still earn cash by getting your own referrals.
Traffic Exchange Profits then explains why we need an autoresponder (my autoresponder is my best online business tool - period)
With TEP, you get a free 30 day trial for the TrafficWave autoresponder. Doesn't require a credit card! So you don't have to remember to cancel in 30 days. If you don't like the system, you just let it lapse - No payment, nothing to lose - It's completely risk free (which is rare in the online marketing industry :)
Once you enroll in Traffic Wave, you get 25 autoresponder messages to upload into YOUR autoresponder! These 25 messages send continuous follow up to your prospects for you - AUTOMATICALLY - All you do is set it up, customize your links (so you get referral credit!) and then go promote Traffic Exchange Profits yourself.
These 25 follow up messages are excellent. Professionally written so that your leads see the benefits - Nice templates make TEP look VERY professional - And the writing explains the system for you. There is no hard selling - No false promises - It's nothing like your typical marketing bs. It simply outlines the benefits of joining Traffic Exchange Profits and using the same system themselves.
The follow up is crucial. Many online marketers have a short attention span (myself included!). We need information fast and it has to tell me what's in it for me. Traffic Exchange Profits does this perfectly.
So why does Traffic Exchange Profits work?
First, it streamlines your entire business. You don't have to promote an autoresponder, and traffic exchanges separately. By just giving away the free report, you begin to build traffic exchange referrals, instant income AND residual income. All in the background - Without you pushing or hard selling anything
It also works because nobody HAS to pay anything. Even prospects who just read the report have a chance to earn you referrals on Traffic Splash and Traffic Witch (right on the report). This builds up referrals and free credits for you. I get referrals for both these exchanges every single day, despite those people not using TEP for themselves.
Automatic Follow Up - #1 in my book. A lot of us will often overlook 2 or 3 messages from stuff we signed up for. But when you start to see 7, 8, 9 emails, prospects are much more likely to take another look. The Traffic Wave autoresponder sends out the 25 emails. This follow up turns a LOT of prospects into signups!
Traffic Exchange Profits gives surfers what THEY need: Ways to earn more credits for less work. By doing this, you build prospects. Remember Traffic Exchanges are a numbers game - The more prospects you get, the more referrals and sales you get.
Extremely Low Cost! To use the entire Traffic Exchange Profits system costs $5. This gives you a copy of Stacked Income and the ENTIRE Traffic Exchange Profits backoffice.
The $5 is our way of earning instant income. And when you refer others, you earn $5 over and over. You get 100% resell rights and the money is sent straight to your account.
Unlimited Earning Potential! With Traffic Witch you can earn $50 for each upgrade. With Traffic Splash you can earn $4-$5 each month from each referral. Traffic Wave pays you 100% up front commissions of $17.95 for each signup, plus a monthly commission from your active referrals. You also get a % of THEIR referrals. Traffic Wave pays you through 10 levels! You can EASILY build up a serious monthly residual income with Traffic Wave.
So why is this such a lengthy post? Why didn't I turn this into a super flashy sales page?
For me it's simple. The people who will REALLY see the benefit of Traffic Exchange Profits are those surfers who are FRUSTRATED with traffic exchanges. This is actually most surfers, to be honest. But what happens is that those people often give up. Remember, 97% of online marketers fail to make $10/week -
I recognized how valuable and effective this system would be right away - But that was because I am a longtime surfer. I've used countless systems and wasted hundreds of surfing hours and thousands of credits, along with hundreds of dollars.
So I'm a bit lengthy in my explanation, because I have been through the crap for a LONG time. And I work a lot harder at it than most people.
Anyone who is serious about succeeding with traffic exchanges will instantly see WHY this works so well.
It provides you the best splash pages. It does all the follow up. It does all the selling. It gives you multiple income opportunities. It earns you instant income along with building residual income.
And it does it all with just 1 link -
It's the most effective system I've used for Traffic Exchanges. In my first 2 weeks I've already gotten 26 Traffic Splash referrals, 18 Traffic Witch referrals, a free Traffic Wave signup and $175 in cash through upgrades and sales of OBA.
Start earning money with Traffic Exchanges yourself
Get your Free Report from Traffic Exchange Profits
to your success,
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Haven't posted Since May 4 - WOW
I'm going to try to do a quick recount, and let you know what I've been doing, without going into too much detail (If I go into detail, the entire blog is gonna be just this entry! lol)
Basically, I've been on a "MAKE MONEY" binge - Right now, Affiliate Curve is pretty automated. I did go in last week and do some revamping. I deleted a few advertising resources, a few programs, added my PBX YouTube video etc.
I got GDI as my #1 program - I updated my reviews for Pyrabang, Acme, Free Site Signup, etc.
But that was only 1 night out of the last 6 weeks :)
I started looking into domain name selling - Not as easy as it seems, at least in my first full month. I'm very good at grabbing and picking domain names. But despite how much I think they must be worth, just randomly putting them up for sale doesn't seem to work so well - I bought about 15 names - great names, i think, like,,,, - Etc. Put them up for sale at GoDaddy, Afternic, and SEDO - Bought 1 premium listing at Afternic -
So far, around 18 domain names, have gotten roughly 15 total views - in a month - no offers, no watchers etc. I haven't wanted to spend the money on appraising the domains, and I haven't wanted to pay for premium listings.
I was kinda just thinking "These are great domain names and I could easily sell these for a profit" - Maybe I've been using too many traffic exchanges and online marketing programs though, because when I look at the names now, I see nothing but affiliate marketing and traffic exchange type names :)
Still, I will look into that more and see what I can do -
I've REALLY wanted to start my own traffic exchange. I've been researching scripts and prices. I specifically bought because I had the intention of starting a traffic exchange. With my email list, and how many hits I can send on exchanges, plus PPC, I think I could get a fairly decent subscriber base -
But I am not a fool - I realize that starting and running a traffic exchange would be a LOT of work. And even with the potential to earn good money, promote my own programs and build up a big email list, the time involved is not something I take lightly. I don't have programming skills, so I need something that is pretty easy to run. And being a heavy traffic exchange user myself, I don't want my surfers to have to worry about those assholes who put bad sites up there that redirect and break frames and what not - So I want to make sure I get the best script I can, for the money - and be able to handle it myself...
I will start one though, someday - hopefully soon :)
Websites - WOW - I started several websites over the past couple weeks. I've been taking my domain name finding skills and seeing how they rank in Google Searches. Basically, I'll type in some keywords, see how many results it comes up with, and then see if a similair domain name is available -
The first site I built was - I wanted to start building referrals for BetUS and Full Tilt Poker. These are affiliate programs I joined way back when I started -
So one day I was looking through Google - Started typing in Best Places to Bet. The Google indicator put up 'best places to bet online' as the suggestion - It pulled up 25million results.
Went to look at GoDaddy and what do you know? was available!
So I built a blog on weebly and sent the domain to it - Then I realized that a weebly blog couldn't quite do everything I wanted, so I added an account at Homestead - Since I'm already using Homestead for another site, it was only $2/month to add another website - Pretty good deal really
SO, I built the site, posted my review of BetUS, put some cool affiliate gadgets in there like Live Lines, and then I put in a "Tips from the Pro's" live gadget from Full Tilt Poker - and got my site online...
Submitted my site to Google -
Tonight when I type in "Best Places to Bet Online", my new site is #4 in google search results.
I don't know a lot about this stuff - Page Rank, Best Keywords, Search Engine Ranking, etc. But my GUESS is that is a search phrase pulls up 25 Million Results, that a fair amount of people will be searching for that term. And for my website to be #4 there, JUST because of my domain name, seems to be a good enough reason to me to do this -
It must work at least a little bit - Today I had my first email signup from the website -
I gotta post a link here - for extra exposure :)
Online Gambling is a HUGE market - But you can't use PPC on Google or Yahoo due to the online gaming bans. So the only way to get a website to show up in results it keywords and natural results (organic is the term actually)
So there is 1 of my sites - Oh, to try and boost the links, I started 3 blogs - 1 on Google, 1 on WordPress and 1 on Weebly - I basically left my same review on all 3 blogs, put some links in there to the main website and what not - So that is 4 places online that all point to my website.
I just did the same thing with "How to Build GDI" - Lo and behold, was an available domain name (that actually surprised me, a LOT, considering how many GDI businesses and systems there are online) - So I bought it, right away -
Last night I did a Google Blog, posted my reviews on GDI, how to use Gold Rush and Acme People Search - and wa la (badly mispelled lol)
Now when you type in "How to build GDI" into google, my site is #3 in the rankings...There are just under 1.5 million results for that search term -
There are PPC ads on the side as well - Not sure if that's JUST because of GDI being a keyword in that search phrase or not -
But again, common search phrase, 1 blog entry and a domain name, bam - My site shows up #3 in results...
Here it is:
I've been reading about these "mini-sites" and how these people create bunches of these - each earning a few bucks/day - but when you build 100, then your making $300 each day, right?
I don't know how much search engine traffic I can generate by JUST using domain names and blogs (I ALWAYS point my domain to the blog, so it shows up as a Website - not just a blog)
But if these begin to generate some traffic, then I might as well keep doing it - I've got some decent skill at finding domain names.
And who knows - Maybe someday I can write my own ClickBank product - How to create organic search engine traffic with the right domain name :)
The other big focus for me has been Traffic Exchange Profits - I LOVE TEP! the only thing I dislike is the target market - Traffic Exchange Users - I will try to be as gentle as I can here, but the truth is they are 98% useless - The follow through and desire of your average traffic exchange user is next to nil - They are there for the quick buck and will quit before they ever really give anything a chance -
That makes up most of them - On the flip side, and this is the BIG side, is that those Traffic Exchange surfers who ARE serious, will LOVE TEP - They will instantly see how much it does for them, all by promoting just 1 link -
And it doesn't take many of them to really build a profit here - In my first 2 weeks I have DOZENS of referrals for Traffic-Splash and TrafficWitch - I have a few upgrades from traffic splash and a couple from TrafficWitch - TrafficWitch is amazing because they pay 75% commission to upgraded members - I paid $67 to take the one time offer for a 1 year pro upgrade - By selling just 1, I make $50!
And traffic Wave - Powerful affiliate program structure - 100% up front commissions on your sales, so you get $17.95 right away - Then you get $6/month for each active member - Beyond this, they have a 10 level affiliate program - I can't even explain it well, but basically you get 3 referrals as your "main level", then each of those referrals earns you a % of their referrals - Down 10 levels!
So this will take some time and effort for me - BUT, If I put that effort in, I will end up with THOUSANDS of traffic exchange referrals earning me massive amounts of free credits every month - I will get commissions on referrals - I will build Traffic Wave referrals - And I'll earn money through OBA ($5/each sale, with the $20 ad space lease option)
So you can almost make $100 in commission from just 1 referral!
If your reading this, and haven't given this a serious look, get your report now:
Traffic Exchange Profits Free Report!
Like I mentioned, this will take time because 95% of the people who even sign up, will never do anything with it - BUT, once you get a few signups of those people who are fed up with traffic exchanges, THOSE are the people that really see the beauty of TEP - Just like I do - And a few people like that in your downline can earn you some serious money -
It's like the GDI principle, but it actually pays more -
so yeah, I'm very ACTIVELY promoting TEP right now :)
Also, started another website - As if all this above wasn't enough to do!
It's called - It's a forum for aspiring rap artists - A free place for them to post their materials, lay out their rap verses, give themselves a plug if they have a YouTube channel, website etc -
check it out - We are gonna be pretty cool :)
Damn, and this was the SHORT VERSION :)
Monday, May 4, 2009
Email to an online marketing friend -
She sent me a couple links and asked me if it was too many programs...
I quickly realized that this is a HUGE problem we face as online marketers. We join way too many things and try to get way too much stuff done yesterday.
What I told her (in essence) was this:
You have to ask yourself, What are Your GOALS?
I still join too much stuff - I've signed up for stuff and never opened it - never confirmed response, nothing. Dozens of things like that. I've also signed up for Dozens of things where I took a 3 second look at it and knew it wasn't for me - I've also signed up Dozens of things I liked, promoted them for a couple days, and gave up -
Anything you can think of, I've done :)
When I started getting very serious though, I realized I couldn't just Bounce Around - I had to be really BUILDING something.
So I got damn serious about traffic exchanges. I created my own splash page, bought an upgrade through Home Income Team for pro upgrades at 7 exchanges, and started surfing about 8-10 hours/week (and yes, that is a lot of damn surfing :)
I focused ALL my energy there - I built my own follow up series on my aweber account - Called it power traffic - Used it to promote GDI, some of my traffic exchanges, and my tips on getting the best results from our surfing efforts -
I think it turned out AWESOME - I have over 150 referrals for Web Biz Insider - I have over 300 referrals for Easy Hits - I got over 100 referrals for HIT - I got 50ish referrals for Traffic-Splash, 40ish for Hit Safari - I got over 100 people on my personal email list -
Still wasn't making much money though - Traffic Exchanges are not good for this - But I kept working - I figured as long as I was building an email list, things would work out
Long story short - I kept thinking about my own marketing. What didn't work, what did work - What online marketers would sign up for, what they wouldn't - Ways to advertise to my list - How to get more on my list - All kinds of stuff - I was always thinking about ways to improve and streamline my business -
This is the email I sent - I think it's good advice for anyone:
I don't know how many programs you are in overall, but it is definitely a BIG problem to have too much going on at once -
What I do is focus my efforts into 1 thing at a time - Some things are simple. The million leads for free thing is great - I just spend 3min's/day here, click through a few ads, and then post my ads - It's also easy because I now have 4 different ads that are saved. So I just go in and hit send on whatever I want to advertise that day -
I'm all about automated advertising - I earn my real money using Pay Per Click marketing. My latest site, free site signup, I have 7 signups now over the past 3 days - That's $350 earned - and it cost me about $15 in advertising - and all I ahd to do was setup my campaigns (about an hour), then test different pages to find out what got people to sign up -
I would recommend you focus on 1 thing at a time - I would learn traffic exchanges and use that million leads for free to start - I know you want to stay free - You should be building a list or downline in something though - Just randomly joining new stuff is one of the quickest ways to get frustrated and quit - You need to give something TIME - But you also need to be ready when it doesn't work and it's time to move on (i've had to move on from about 100 different things that were just garbage)
Right now I'm focusing all my efforts into 1 thing: Getting people to MY website - In turn, getting them to join MY Email List - This in turns give me a way to keep in contact -
So all this advertising and work your doing, you need to ask yourself - What is my GOAL here? Where do you want your traffic to go? What do you want them to do? What do you want it to do FOR YOU?
If you just say "make me money", then your in the wrong direction - That is a slot machine marketing mentality and it's the exact reason 97% of people fail
You see what I've done last week right? With the Viral Ebooks campaign - I give away the ebook to entice people to join my email list - Once they join, then they see the ebook ad - I have 16 downline members in less than 1 week now for this program. Everyone who joins my email builds my list AND has a chance to earn income for me - PASSIVELY
It takes time to get to this point, but you have to ask yourself really, what are you doing? What are your real goals? You need to be building downlines and ways of getting OTHERS to do some work "for you" - You give them good products, but if you keep doing the same thing, you get the same results...
Do these articles direct people to you? And your products? If not, then why spend your time there? Do you have a blog? Do you have your own web presence? Why would you do article marketing, if people will ONLY go to an affiliate site if they click through?
I wrote tons of articles, and all of them direct to me and my home site -
Just ask yourself where you are heading - That should tell you where you need to focus your efforts
And this is what I'm talking about - The more I learn, the more I realize so much more there is -
But if you are asking yourself these kind of questions, you can only improve yourself and your online marketing -
To your success - Paul
Monday, April 27, 2009
Newest Marketing Thought - Passive Income while building my list!
Yes, there were some CAPS in there for emphasis :)
A little over a week ago I thought it would be a good idea to offer a free ebook to prompt visitors to join the mailing list. So I got that 13 Deadly List Building Tragedies -
It got a few people to get that ebook, but I kinda realized it was kind of a lousy program. Maybe lousy is too strong of a word, but what I mean is that the ebook had minimal amount of usefulness (at best) - And really wasn't filling anyone's needs. If your giving something away, I would think it much better to give away something people actually NEED :)
But I liked the idea of adding a free product to my subscribers...
During last week I was working on my newest project Viral Ebooks. This seemed like a really good way to give away something VALUABLE - So I joined, branded my own ebook and put it on my site as a free giveaway.
I was also reading something about autoresponders and the "thank you" pages we use. AWeber does a really good job about getting us Useful Information and ways to keep our subscribers happier.
I realized I wasn't using a Thank You page at all.
So last night I build a Thank You Page for all people who join my Affiliate Curve email list -
Now, what I put on that Thank You Page also builds income and referrals for me as well. What I did was add My Viral Ebooks link and explain to all my subscribers that this was a great way to build THEIR email lists as well.
This is how I am using it: Read to the end to see where this all comes together
I give away the Ebook I made from Viral Ebooks. All my subscribers get a valuable product.
As soon as they sign up, they are directed to my Thank You page where they can see what I'm doing. They can join Viral Ebooks and start making their own ebooks - By giving them away (or even selling them i suppose) they will be giving away valuable products and building a list at the same time.
Anyone who joins Viral Ebooks has a chance to get the One Time Offer (yes, I hate them too but this is a good deal) $47, but a full 30 day trial with 100% refund -
If they pass on that, but later upgrade, it's $17/month - Of that, 50% goes to the affiliate
So I make either $30ish on the OTO purchases from my referrals, or I make $8.50/month for each upgraded member...
Even if they join free, that is fine too - They are still subscribers. And if they truly want to BUILD their business, they might see this as a pretty easy way to do that - By giving away their own branded ebooks -
So the more people I add to my list, is just more people that give me a chance to earn PASSIVE income from.
I get ALL of that by just making a Thank You page and giving away a great ebook.
That is what passive income is all about - Now all I do is promote my website and get as many people as possible to join my email list. Yes, I take care of my subscribers and I go out of my way to give them GOOD resources -
What would you need to do this? You need an autoresponder first - And a GOOD ONE! Not some crappy downline builder thing you can't use. You need to create forms, add them to webpages etc.
Get AWeber - seriously, don't waste your time with anything else. I've tried DOZENS of other ways to save a buck or 2 - They are all garbage or super complicated.
You need hosting - A Blog is an okay way to start here also, and it's free - But eventually, you should get your very own hosting account. Build your website, give away an ebook and use your AWeber account for keeping good subscribers!
Yeah, I like Home Stead here - Very easy to build pages, add forms etc. It's a great hosting plan for beginners!
Also, you need something to give away (obviously right :) - I really like Viral Ebooks. Not sure if there is better or not, but these are FULL of great products. I'm using it to give away stuff on my site, but I also listed the book for sale on ebay. You can sell the books - You can give them away - Another benefit of building these is that you put in YOUR Referral Links! So by giving away ebooks, you build your list AND have a chance to earn income through ClickBank, AWeber, etc - All these ebooks are rebrandable - That income portion isn't the most important to me, right now. I think it's more important to focus on my list -
Join Viral Ebooks -
By giving away Viral Ebooks on my Thank You Page, it gives me a chance to earn passive income and even more referrals by just giving away ebooks and showing my subscribers how to do exactly the same thing!
And it's all passive income - It took me 1/2 hour to build my thank you page last night. After that, I just changed my Thank You web address in my Aweber autoresponder to direct all my confirmed subscribers to my own Thank You Page. And then everyone that subscribes to my list can join Viral Ebooks just the same way -
I think it's genuis - I think it's something ANYONE can follow - And I love it
Thursday, April 9, 2009
CBCS SCAM - Know anyone?
Tonight I am writing you about a matter that is very upsetting to me. In fact, it angers me to my core - That might be too strong, but this is a situation with MASSIVE evidence of fraud, yet nobody actually DOES anything about it.
This story starts with a fake collection letter I received. The problem is that I received the exact same type of letter about a year ago - I thoroughly investigated my options and sought legal retribution. To my amazement, nothing could be done.
Here is the story:
A company called CBCS Collections sent me a letter offering me a "settlement" on a AT&T Broadband bill. I called and they told me the bill was from 1997. They claim the original bill was $153, but they are willing to settle for half.
I had this same experience about a year ago and investigated. I found out that HUNDREDS of complaints had been filed with the BBB. All the stories were the same - Fake collection bills for phone bills from 10-12 years prior.
Now, at the time they CLAIM I incurred this debt, I had just moved to seattle in 1997. At the time I lived on a friends couch - Nothing in the house was in my name, at all. I just gave my buddy some rent money every month.
That is when the alarm bells began ringing in my head. So I began to investigate a bit. I found all kinds of complaints filed against the SAME company for the SAME thing. Fake phone bills that they were sending to people everywhere in the US.
I talked to my fantasy buddies (yes, I'm a fantasy geek :) - Out of the 10 friends in my league, 1 of them was just about to pay his fake bill - $330! Another 2 people had friends who had paid the same thing. 1 of them told me his mom got one of those bills for $1,200 and the collection agency threatened to GARNISH her wages!
I filed complaints with the BBB - I filed a complaint with the Attorney General of Washington State. I called several attorneys - Nobody would touch it
Want to know why? Because if you go through all the hassle of actually suing a collection agency, you can win no more than $1,000 - That's IT!
What does this basically mean? It means that even if a collection agency breaks every rule in the book, you can't get more than $1,000 in settlement damages. And by having that cap, a collection agency really has NOTHING TO LOSE by sending out all of these fake charges.
Even now, as I went to search out CBCS on Google, I found Numerous complaints on message boards everywhere - The same exact story - Fake phone bills, threatening collection calls, etc.
Here are a few links to stuff I found regarding this company:
These are only from a couple minutes of searching. The Complaints board is where I entered my own post -
There is a reason I am sending you this email. See, I have exhausted everything I could in order to do ANYTHING about this company and these malicious and fraudulent collection letters.
As 1 person, there is simply nothing I can do - I don't have enough power and I don't know enough people.
So I'm sending this out to you today, to see if you might know someone who can actually DO something about this.
And I'm not talking about me erasing my fake debt - As you can see, we have TONS of postings on all kinds of message boards about the same thing. Obviously that doesn't make any difference. I happen to know for a fact that my credit is nearly perfect - I've refinanced 2 homes 5 different times over the past 5 years - The last one coming just a few months back - Each and every time my credit had to be SPOTLESS. So yes, the bills are absolutely fake and fraudulent.
I'm not going to post another complaint though - That doesn't do ANYTHING.
I'm hoping that someone in my list might know someone with some power. Someone who can take some initiative and actually put up a real FIGHT against this kind of scam.
Maybe you know someone in politics who wants to make a name for themselves? Maybe you are part of a college newspaper. Maybe you are in Criminal Justice or studying Law. Whatever it is, posting another message on another website isn't getting it done - We need to take real action -
How about some real VIRAL action?
Pass this story on - In just a small sample size of my personal friends, I found several people who had these same fake bills.
Whatever you think might help, let me know - I will HAPPILY do whatever I can to put this to an end.
Just email me back -
I'll get back to online marketing soon, I promise - But this bothers me way too much to just sit on it and not try to do anything.
I'm not looking for money - I'm not looking for 15min's of fame - I just want this company and these practices to be shut down, for GOOD.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Most Important thing for online marketing success
Off topic :) Point is this - It's become CRYSTAL clear that the most important thing to do is Build My Email List - And that is what i've been working on for 2 months straight now -
I revamped my Power Traffic course THOROUGHLY! I mean from start to finish - now it's a 10 part series that is getting good results. I have over 30 signups for Affiliate Funnel (and even earned some nice commissions there) as well as signups for various exchanges and viral pond etc. I still think I ramble too much - I'm guessing that if it was just 1 email, with my "here is what you do" and 1 program only, I would get more signups...But the truth is that would only help me - My Power Traffic course is really about helping other people -
damnit, again :)
Building my list!
I've got EVERYTHING pointing to me and my home site now - My YouTube Video is on my home page. Even if people just want to shut it off, they go down and see my email subscriber form. This adds signups -
I also am sending Massive traffic to my Power Traffic splash pages - Each day I'm getting 3-5 signups for it just from the Traffic Exchanges.
Since I added the "Follow me on Twitter" link to my home site, I have over 60 new followers in 2 weeks. This adds signups when they click my homepage link -
My YouTube video has been watched over 300 times (granted, I've got it on auto play, embedded in my home website :)
I have now added over 150 people to my PERSONAL email list over March - And continue to get 6-12 new signups on a daily basis (including Power Traffic & my home site)
What does that really DO for me?
Simple - Now when I sign up for a new program, I get signups by sending an email to my list. Last week I checked my Pyrabang stats and had 15 members in my downline, when I did ZERO recruiting or advertising - Real Spillover! I sent it to my list and got nearly a dozen GOLD members -
I sent another email about 3900 Income - got 4 more signups
I sent an email about Teamwork Revolution - Got 9 signups
I sent the update about Free Site Signup - I'm up to over $1100 in "pending" commissions now. I haven't really "unleashed" my real marketing power (PPC) because I'm waiting to get the real check in my hands - Once I do, it's on :)
I'm still trying to find the balance between selling and helping - No doubt it is a fine line. But I had a real eye opening conversation with one of my best online networking friends, Alan C (better not use his full name I guess) - And as much as I am always sitting around "sugar coating" everything, online marketing is about 1 thing: SALES
How do we build income and get sales - That is The Bottom LINE -
Now, yes, I have gone through my share of crappy programs. Yes, I really DO try to help people who are starting in online marketing and YES, I really CAN help people START building their own online business -
But if we aren't making money, then what are we doing here? The bottom line is how to make money -
So how do I really MAKE MONEY?
If I hadn't been burned by so many programs now, I might not have ever bothered to begin building my personal list. Even now, I'm waiting on ANOTHER $2,400 from 3 different programs that i should have been paid from now (not including affiliate junktion!)
I'm learning the real hard way that online marketing programs really do come and go.
But despite all that bad luck and all those shitty programs, I'm STILL able to make money. It's because I haven't attached myself to any 1 program (except GDI I guess - but GDI actually IS solid) -
The only thing I'm really "attached" to is my list - And my list is the most important thing I have.
And anytime I find a new program that I think is really cool, I am able to get instant feedback and signups by sending it to my personal email list -
It's taken me awhile to get here - But now that I'm here, I'm going to work on growing my list even more. I'm starting to use PPC advertising on my home site, - If for nothing more than to build my email list, it's worth it -
I know that all of my Free Site Signups are from my email list. By continuing to build up my list, I get more people everyday who keep in contact with me - who learn from me - who trust me - and who join my programs.
Yes, the bottom line is making money. But without having my email list, I would just be bouncing around still. Advertising ANOTHER affiliate site on traffic exchanges - Hoping for a miracle. But now that i've done all the "Grunt Work", I really do have some decent online marketing power -
It will still take a couple thousand more people on my list before I can say I'm "accomplished", but it's well worth it to focus ALL my efforts and money into 1 thing - Building my list -
Safelists and Traffic Exchanges and free ads - They are CRAP for selling - A Personal email list is by far WAY more valuable - You should only be using TE's and Safelists in an effort to build your personal email list -
That's where the money is :)
that was SUPER long winded - Sorry, I've got a really bad back so I'm on a bit of pain killers, and it's also past 11pm now - When you have a 2 year old, 11 o'clock feels like 3am USED TO :)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Power Traffic 10: Inspiring Article
You may have heard of Bill Britt, one of the most successful distributors in Amway. Some years ago, 20/20 did a feature story on Amway. They spent 19 minutes interviewing whiners and complainers -- several distributors who had failed and showed the garages full of products they couldn't sell.
During the last minute of the show, Mr. Britt was interviewed in front of his palatial home. He was asked, "Mr. Britt, this business has obviously worked for you. What's your secret?"
He replied, "There is no secret. I simply showed the plan to 1200 people. 900 said, 'No.' and only 300 signed up. Out of those 300, only 85 did anything at all. Out of those 85 only 35 were serious, and out of those 35, 11 made me a millionaire."
Like Mark Yarnell (who made millions with NuSkin), Bill worked through the numbers.
Like we always say - ANY business is a numbers game, plain and simple!
Remember that & be persistent & you WILL succeed.
Stack the odds in your favor, play the numbers and keep a steady flow of NEW business to YOUR website.
Power Traffic 8: List of Advertising Resources
Other places to advertise (use biz opps or small biz categories):http://www.backpage.com
Advertise to 5000 Prospects a day FREE here:
Opt in email advertising is one of the BEST ways to promote online.
You'll need a second email address (use gmail).Here are some good places to advertise:
To your success!
Power Traffic 9: Differentiate Yourself!
No matter what you are promoting, I believe there is 1 important thing that you must do. Well, hold on - make that 2 - The first should go without saying and it is simple...You MUST ADVERTISE LIKE CRAZY! By either spending a few bucks or surfing exchanges etc. If you think 100 hits a day to your site is getting you anywhere, you are in for a rude awakening...You need to be sending MASSIVE traffic to your sites - Traffic Generation needs to be a daily routine for you - period - When I stop advertising, my signups go right down...If I don't allocate credits or surf, I dont' get signups - it's that necessary that you keep up advertising...I'm giving you a solid BASE to get a lot of traffic to your sites. You still have to do some work though. You must surf, you must work on effective advertising and you must be constantly learning!
Now that I've beaten that topic to a pulp :) Lets get to the main point here.
You Must DIFFERENTIATE yourself and your advertising pages! I will admit that the pages I use are kind of cheesy...but you know what? They are different and they catch more attention than endless pages of affiliate sites that we see everywhere...Now this could probably also fall under that "branding" theme I've seen so much of myself - Honestly, I have never looked into that a whole lot, but I understand the message - The more people see your face or your product, the more likely they are to begin trusting it -
Obviously if they keep seeing it, you must be doing something right!
So how do I differentiate myself? I use eye catching headlines and pages that are different. Are these hard to do? NO - Do you have to be an expert web designer? NO - The previous email about using Syntha Site to build your own list is a great resource. You can add YOUR Autoresponder and build up your very own personal list.
I used Google Page Creator and that is absolutely what I would have recommended to you, but they stopped allowing new signups - You can use a blog and just have an eye catching title, short description and a link to your product.
SynthaSite is a Free Resource and you can use it to make a quick splash page for exchanges.
Here are some of my creations -
Again, these aren't pristine web pages done by an expert - These are simply enter the text and add some color - Now google pages is not accepting new signups, but you can easily create something like this using Google Blogger - Also, Google Sites pages are free and you can do the same kind of thing
What you want to do is Make your own mark!
It's easy to get caught up and want everything to happen for you overnight. Believe me I KNOW THE FEELING! But instead of working your butt off promoting the Wrong Way, spend some time creating your own splash page - Differentiate yourself from the crowd - Otherwise your just promoting the same old affiliate site like everyone else who isn't making any money or getting any referrals.
I have a core desire to succeed in online marketing - So I'm willing to spend money and do whatever it takes to succeed. If you want to succeed, you must make it your mission and work to achieve it.
It's up to you - My opinion is that creating your own look and getting your name out there will do wonders for you. Once people see you regularly, they start to trust you and think "maybe this person is doing something right"
These are examples above - Create your own and enjoy MUCH more success -
Power Traffic 7: Getting Organic Traffic to YOUR Site
So what is Spin Success, and what can it do For YOU?
Spin Success is a search engine submission service that specializes in promoting Affiliate Websites for online marketers. I know if you are using traffic exchanges like I do, it can be tedious surfing for hours upon hours. But we do it because we know we need traffic, right? After all, without traffic, there is zero chance of sales...and thats why we got into online marketing in the first place!
What Spin Success will do is Hand Submit your site to 15 major search engines as well as auto submit your site to an additional 100,000 other search engines. They do this every month! As soon as you sign up and submit your site, you get an email confirming this has been done within 24 hours! They take service to another level.
Okay, so they do that but what does that really mean? Quite simply it means they do all the work of getting your affiliate site (or any website) indexed and ranked highly in the search engines. This process guarantees a huge influx of regular, TARGETED visitors to YOUR website, Automatically.
See the difference between exchanges and search engine traffic is simple: Traffic Exchange users are looking to promote their business. Search Engine users are looking FOR something. They aren't on a 10 second timer. They aren't their to get their credits. They are looking for your website!
Did you know that every 2 seconds someone new starts looking into starting an online business? That is a Staggering amount of fresh new prospects every single day. They may end up using traffic exchanges, but they won't often be starting there, right?
That is what Spin Success will do for you. They get Real, Search Engine Traffic to YOUR Website. This service alone can cost you thousands. Ever looked into getting SEO services? I found one that was $800 PER MONTH!
Spin Success has a special offer where you get your first month for only $9.95. You can try it out for a full 30 days to see what it can do for you and your affiliate site. Think about how many sites you might have to surf to get that kind of value?
Not only that, they also have a very rewarding affiliate program that pays you on 5 levels. You can get tons of traffic to your site and earn money with the same program. Many people get 1 to 5 signups daily and earn a large income just from this alone.
You also get $200 every month in Pay Per Click funds. They have a special deal with 2 search engines and you get $100/month at each...replenished every month.
See if you choose to join Acme People Search and make it your main business, Spin Success can start generating organic traffic to your site every single day.
Once you see for yourself, I am sure you will see the potential that Spin Success can bring to your online business...and it's done on autopilot for you.
Check out the main page and see for yourself. I think you'll be surprised at just how much you really get with Spin Success.
Check out Spin Success for yourself now
Power Traffic 6: What to Promote?
So now that you have these exchanges set up, what do you promote? I am sure you have at least 1 affiliate program you are a member of. I know in my first 6 months I tried over 20 different programs. They all fell short for me and I ended up giving up on a lot of them.
Everytime I quit one, I learned something about it that I did or didn't like. In general I felt that most of them left me to do ALL the work and didn't give me much help when it came to that. I understand it takes some work, but without help I was bound to fail. I had no idea what I was doing or how to do it. They just signed me up and shipped me off.
In case you think I'm just bs'ing you, here is a short list of stuff I failed with.
SpiderWeb - I got 200+ signups in 6 weeks and made NO money. It's a brilliant system, but everyone signed on thinking everything is free. The fact was that you had to be a paid member of the programs to earn anything. I got a few signups for GDI and that was it. I couldn't afford to spend the several hundred per month to join all the programs.
Contact Them - 215 signups in about 2 months. I made $9.95 total from this business, then they disappeared on me. I guess they later came back, but after they disappeared I will have NOTHING to do with them anymore.
Affiliate Junktion - This was a HUGE one for me. I spent Thousands in Pay Per Click Ads. They ended up changing the terms several times and cut off 70% of my approved payments. I got less than 1/2 of what I spent in advertising. (For that full story, read my blog - and Yes, I'm still upset)
Those are some of the big ones. I don't want to go on and on - All we can do is learn from what happened before. Besides that, many companies I failed with early in my online career when I had NO IDEA what I was doing. I just wanted to let you know that I am not some cry-baby who is trying to sell you my latest program just because I signed up for it. I realize you don't make money by advertising a program for 2 days and give up. I spent a lot of time, effort and money getting lots of signups and still got no results.
In my experience, I get the most results from what I focus ALL my energy on. The reason I mention this is because it's VERY easy to get strung out, trying to find the latest and greatest program. Then you join ANOTHER program and try to start advertising it - Only to do it all over again.
What I recommend is you focus on a long term business and a short term income earner (or both if you have that program!)
The more effort you put into any 1 thing, the better your results for that will be - Period.
If you go join 20 programs, then try to promote them all, you will get poor results and get frustrated.
This is just my experience - You may be different and you might have done well this way. I don't recommend it though, at all.
Take 1 thing at a time, work hard at it, and THEN judge your results. The point of all this is that you want to spend your time, effort and money in the Right Place.
Beyond this, you need to figure out how to earn short term income AND residual income.
Without building a real business in the background, all your hard work can up and disappear at any time. I choose GDI because it's been online for over 10 years now. Entire marketing systems are built with GDI as the centerpiece.
I've had about 5 programs that I worked hard to build up and get referrals for which all disappeared on me. And after Affiliate Junktion, I decided to build up my GDI Business, even though it was work, in the long run that would pay off -
And that is what it is about for me, Long Term Income.
My long term business is GDI - But I never had much success promoting GDI Directly. This is a key point and the reason is simple: Almost everyone has heard of GDI and has "made up their mind" about it. What I do now is promote GDI using GDI Gold Rush and PPC traffic.
Here is my GDI Site that gets results:
For traffic exchanges, I promote Viral Pond. This builds up some GDI signups as well as Freebie Force.
That is why I like Viral Pond especially for Traffic Exchange use, since I'm in GDI & Freebie Force. The system applies no pressure and I get a chance to build both by just promoting a great service in Viral Pond.
I also realize that while GDI is great for a long term business, you need immediate income. Without that Immediate Gratification, you will get frustrated and quit.
So what I have compiled is my personal list of both short term & long term business building tools. I put it on 1 website as a "short and sweet version"
It's got a few different programs listed for each Immediate & Residual Income.
Check it out and see if you like any of the programs. I believe the 20 ways to make $100/day is a great opportunity. I paid 1 time and have sold a lot of copies now. You get the 20 different ways to make $100/day, AND 100% resell - That is a great program with wide appeal.
To YOUR Succes