Friday, July 31, 2009

My Early Safelist Marketing Returns

I'm gonna start with some facts about online marketing:

95% of those wanting to make money online never make ANY

4% make some money, but not nearly enough to live on

1% can support themselves, their families, and make an ever increasing income

In order to succeed, you MUST learn how to advertise. No 2 ways around it.

The past couple weeks I've been focusing on learning Safelists. I read various sources that all said Safelists are actually very good advertising tools, if done properly.

There was 1 main reason I never used Safelists before - TIME - Everything I saw about safelists required clicking hundreds of ads - constantly - just to send 1 of your own. I didn't like what I saw in Safelists myself and didn't concern myself with them - I just didn't use them

I was wrong - Safelists actually are delivering VERY good results for me. Not anything near PPC quality, but better than Traffic Exchanges (although I love traffic exchanges for different reasons)

I still hate spending a lot of time on anything. I really prefer automated advertising - Set it and forget it! That's what I love - But that costs money.

A couple weeks ago I went through a 3 day period with ZERO signups for my newsletter - ZERO - It was because I had to cut my PPC costs significantly. I was disgusted - Success with ALL online business is about getting NEW Prospects, constantly.

So I focused on safelist advertising - Over the past few weeks my daily signups have gone from 0 back to 5-8 every day.

I've been advertising my home website,

My GOALS when I started with Safelists:

Find out if they were effective
Use them with the Least Amount of TIME requirement Possible

That really was it - I didn't want to spend a bunch of time. I don't want to click ads endlessly. I don't want to be forced to view endless ads in order to send mine.

Here is what I'm using:

Elite Safelist - The 1st safelist I joined. Ranked #1 by Traffic Hoopla at the time. I ended up taking the 3rd offer giving me 25k monthly credits for $7.50/month. That saves me HOURS of clicking.

With Elite I'm able to save my messages - So I can just go in and click "Send with Credit Mailer" - It's fast and simple -

What I really LIKE about Elite Safelist is that it takes you Directly to the advertised website. So when people click my ad, they hear my voice and see MY website (not just an email where I have to become a copyright expert)

European Safelist: Again, found on Traffic Hoopla. I ended up getting a silver mailer member here. It's $3/month and comes with 10k bonus credits. You get to send your ads once/day - Again, the credits link takes people to YOUR website

Safelister: 100k credits just by joining. Post your ads when you want. 25k members. Excellent credit rewards here for reading emails. Downside is that because we all get so many credits, less people have to read the emails. So response rates are lower - Still, for absolutely free, you get to go in and email your ad all the time. And the 100k starting credits just for joining is a huge bonus!

Million Leads for Free: Been promoting this for awhile now. Great service - Totally free, click on 10 ads daily, send YOUR ad to 5k people everyday. They have over 3 million members and they have daily log in rates of 65% - 80% - This means a LARGE % of the member base logs in daily to read and send ads. Totally free - Takes 5 min's day - You send ads to 150k people every month - FREE - Unbeatable

IPost Ad: This is something I recently found and I absolutely recommend it. IPost Ad has a 1 click system where you join 2,913 safelists - OVERNIGHT - 1 click and your a member. You get to post your ads daily to over 3 million people, through 2,900+ safelists.

They also include a website submitter - Free
You also get a banner ad rotator - FREE

IPost Ad is running a special where you get the full upgrade for only $12/month. For this amount, you get to submit ads to 2900+ safelists, daily. You get everything included with that $12/month. Over 3million people will see your ads, daily - My results have gone WAY up because of IPost Ad.

Target Pro Blaster: I've used this one for a couple years now and STILL highly recommend it. You get to send your ad to 3+ million people every day. This is a 1 time $10 fee - That's a LIFETIME membership! You also get 100% resell rights. So you earn $10 each time you sell Target Pro Blaster.

You get to send ads daily and you get 100% resell rights. Unbeatable value

Here is how I'm using these:

The safelist reviewers I read say they like to send about noon because that is often a great time for people to go check their email. Sounds good to me -

I "try" to write GOOD TITLES! This is the difference between getting clicks and not getting them!

Try to be catchy and grab attention - Take a look at what gets YOUR Attention, and why - Use different titles and see what gets more clicks.

Getting credits:

You still have to click some - What I do is this:

Update: Important Tip! READ THE SOLO ADS!!! These always carry the most credits. You usually get 3-4x the credits of regular links. By reading 1 solo, you are often getting the equivalent of reading 4-5 single ads (people know this, which is why Solo's are SO Valuable!)

I surf every night for my Ad-Ventures 4U account. While I'm surfing, I just open my "List Email" and click ads for Elite Safelist & European Safelist (sometimes safelister when i'm low on credits)

By doing this, I get 110 credits each link from Elite, 75+ from European.

Since I'm already committed to surfing Ad-Ventures 4U, I take that same time and click ads then.

It takes me about 10 min's/day to send my ads this way

It takes me about 1/2 hour/night to get credits (so I can post daily ads!)

My website hits to Affiliate Curve have gone up 50-80 visitors DAILY since I started using these. My newsletter signups went from ZERO to 5-8 daily. I also got 3 GDI signups the first 2 days I used IPost Ad.

These are NOT PPC results - But PPC costs a lot of money - For very little investment, you will see results from Safelists.

I'm not going to say these are THE BEST safelists ever. These are what I started with, and what I'm using right now.

You can do this same thing in 30-40mins/day - These are proving to be excellent, inexpensive advertising options for me

And that is a VALUABLE combination!

Here are the links again:

Elite Safelist

European Safelist

IPost Ad (my best results so far!)

Target Pro Blaster (100% resell AND daily advertising resource!)

Safelister (100k free credits when joining!)

Million Leads for Free

to YOUR Success,


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