Well I found a couple more great traffic generating programs. My website is ALMOST ready to go. I just need to optimize and tweak it a bit. Got tons of hits from LinkReferral, TrafficSwarm, EasyHits & 4x4hits. All these are great. I think it should do even better once the site is up.
Have mixed reviews about Adland Pro PPC ads - They are extremely inexpensive and I got a TON of hits, but very few conversions. Like ZERO for NetSuccess which is a really incredibly program (in my opinion) but I did get 5 sales for Affiliate Junktion. Out of 1,700 hits though, I'm thinking this isn't a highly targeted advertising source. My intention is to still purchase the PPC ads (I haven't found anything cheaper!) but to hopefully get some keywords that aren't so "generalized" if you will - My thought process is that out of 70,000+ users at Adland, at least some of them must be seriously looking into programs. So I'm going to try to buy keywords that generate a lot less traffic, but the traffic will hopefully be more targeted. It's a little discouraging to see 1,700 hits and only $10 in commissions - I paid $40 for the ads :)
But it's all about learning right now - and that's what I'm doing. The great thing about Adland Pro is that you can check the CTR% - so certain keywords don't have a TON of traffic, but the click through % is pretty good - like 2-5% (high in this case). So perhaps I just need to find the RIGHT ones here and get less clicks, but more signups - I'll let you know how that goes (unless I find the magic keyword - just kidding :)
Goals this week -
Finish site optimization and publish!!!! Yippeee -
Read Google Adwords cause it will be time to get serious advertising going when the site is up
Go through NetSuccess Matrix - This is the replacement of TrafficSwarm and is supposed to be awesome - Need to get up to speed
Go through a list of traffic generators that my friend Marilyn sent me
I have a squeeze page generator program and will tinker with that - Looks like an amazing product that really produces results - I listed it a few posts down if you want to check the link. Basically I think I'm going to need to start building email lists, and that is one of the major goals of that program - Give away free ebooks and get emails - we'll see
Also got aNOTHER new program offer from Get Google Ads free - so that needs to be done cause it looks great -
So as you can see i have just a TON on my plate - but so far I'm also getting a lot done...even in an hour or 2 per day....I think i'm doing alright - but the deeper I get, the larger the puddle is - or something like that - basically I do one thing and it just leads into something else - It's a VAST world for online marketers....
Sunday, March 9, 2008
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