Been spending the past few weeks 'reinventing' myself, if you will. It started when I found Home Income Team. The entire theory behind HIT is to give online marketers what THEY need. Once I started reading through the HIT introduction I was hooked. I'd been online for several months and had not found a program where I didn't have to "upgrade" to get any benefits. HIT gave me great splash pages that didn't include me buying a bunch of extra stuff like hosting, autoresponders, any of that - It's all on "auto-pilot" - Well to say the least, I was hooked. This actually made SENSE for me! Online marketers are not looking for another business. They are looking for advertising for THEIR business!
So I started promoting the free reports and free signup pages like crazy! I bought the Home Income Traffic Package which was $54, but gives me pro membership at 7 different exchanges! Most of them are for 3 months. I purchased this because it just made a ton of sense - If I surfed an "avg" of 30 sites/day, I would get 40,000 hits overall with this upgrade package! That is serious traffic - And it works like a charm - In 3 weeks I have over 50 signups and about 20 leads. I have actually been delivering close to 20,000 hits in 3 weeks. I have Link Referral, EasyHits, ClickRanch and Traffic Eagle & Surfing2Success already - So with those I just allocated hits. I spend about an hour and 1/2 surfing per week where I just POWER SURF! I open 8 tabs and just wiz through those bad boys. I get myself about 300 credits/week this way on each exchange. Between the pro credits already and my surfing credits, I'm easily able to deliver 20k hits/month in only 2 hours surfing/week - which is an amazing amount of traffic!
What this leads me to is my new marketing theory! DUH - Hey, my blog is FOR my long-winded self :) So with Home Income Team you have a choice to sign up for the "income streams" - GDI is one of these streams - $10/month - Now, I never had any interest in GDI - Saw the same stagnant sites over and over. But with Home Income Team, it's part of the "option" - So I figured since I was getting signups, I might as well get GDI for $10/month and see if anyone signed up under me. Seems logical that if you get a new program, you also want to earn money with it...I figured I would get at least a decent % of GDI customers...I tried Success University but as soon as I read about calling people and talking to prospects, I was out - A lot of Big Time Online Marketers use that though, so maybe I'll have to look into it later...
Anyway, so I joined GDI - Then I remembered Hits2U ALSO has a GDI program...You sign up for the free advertising and if you WANT, you can use Hits2U as another income source by signing up with GDI and then anyone else who you refer can choose to join GDI as well - Thereby giving you more referrals -
See the beauty of these programs is that they only give FREE advertising away - That's it - See it's hard to "sell" anything online - Think about it...What are you surfing exchanges for? To get credits to promote YOUR business. And you don't want to surf endlessly - it's part of the "work" - So when you see free advertising and free resources, you are more likely to pay attention and maybe consider the offer - Then if you give an email, sign up whatever, you can take a look into it later. That's all these free resources are designed to do - Give away free advertising and hopefully the surfer will check it out later, when they get a moment - But at least you get a chance to tell them about YOUR products, when they aren't on a 10 second timer...
So here I have 1 GDI account and I have 2 free programs that both INDIRECTLY promote GDI - No pressure, no signing up, no "pro upgrades" - It's a very warm way to welcome someone into your business. Does it work? It works better than selling online, for sure, but as far as really working, I would say a 1% signup would be GREAT - That's the point of delivering massive amounts of traffic to your sites though - 20k hits/month, maybe 1% return would get you 200 signups a month -
This is the thiking anyway....I also joined the SpiderWeb System and GDI is their MAIN income earner, so I will have 3 good ways to promote GDI - Only problem is I'm getting ZERO support from Spider Web - I like what they talk about and I know how to deliver traffic and get signups, but it's never good when I post 2 messages on the forum and nobody answers me.
Anyway, what I'm trying to get is a "funnel" system...I don't know if it's THE ANSWER, but it's a step in the right direction for sure - My signups and referrals have never been better -
Oh, and I joined team GDI Pro as well - Here is my "splash page" from Google!
I'll try to expand/organize later - see how much stuff I've got going on! :)
Thursday, July 3, 2008
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