Tonight I took a drive home to spend the weekend with my family. It was a nice chance to take a drive and listen to music for a couple hours.
I used the time to think about my projects that I want to work on - I have a lot of stuff that is "coming into focus" and a lot of stuff to add to my site
I should probably keep a little recording device on me at all times - I have so many thoughts for different stuff I could do and try out, then I don't get it on paper or remember it long enough to ever make use of it - So I wanted to take a few minutes and jot down some thoughts on upcoming projects
First, Article writing and my home site:
I have some ideas for articles, and I also need to "re-vamp" my site a bit. I get a lot of reviewers who say there is too much info on there - That's fine - My site is all about content...It's not meant to be glitzy or pretty - It's meant to provide my experience and opinion of programs...But it could use some touching up...
Article Ideas to work on:
One Time Offers - What factors should go into your decision making process when considering the MANY OTO's we encounter in online marketing
When did MLM Become a Dirty Word? I think I want to write something about a general misconception about MLM - See everytime someone hears MLM, they have negative connotations associated with it - MLM Simply means this: You AND I both earn THE SAME - The people who work harder and get more signups/downline members earn more - Those who do less work, earn less - I don't understand how people have such negative feelings when they hear the word MLM
Residual Income vs. Short Term Income - The difference and the goals we should have as business owners - This is QUITE a lengthy topic, but I want to have SOMETHING on my site outlining this simple concept for people - Certain businesses should be looked at as a Long Term Business (Like GDI for 98% of us) while something like Free Affiliate Insider is about instant income - I do believe we absolutely need both - My goal is to earn immediate income, while building a long term business with GDI - The entire point, for me, is to NOT have to work - I didn't get into online marketing to spend hours and hours online posting free ads or surfing traffic exchanges...If you are always building a long term business, eventually that can turn into residual income - When that happens, you don't "have" to do anything any longer -
Maybe that's too much stuff - who knows :)
Also, need to come up with some sort of "short and sweet" business builder - The one thing I have learned is that people in online marketing have a VERY short attention span - You can't give someone a huge downline building program with 40 different things and expect them to succeed - What you have to do is figure out What Works Where - For instance, traffic exchanges should be used for 1 thing: List Building - PPC traffic is used for Selling - Something like this
So I'm working and thinking about an "all in one" short series of how to build your business...Certain things need to be included - You MUST have your own Autoresponder. It comes down to a matter of being respectable online - You MUST have a web presence - Your own site is almost mandatory...I have stumbled across several blogs lately and those are great - They don't cost a dime, they do well in search engines, and you write and promote whatever you like -
Anyway, as you can see - Lots of projects and not much focus -
That was what this is - My own personal jotting down for stuff to work on this next week - I have another post coming up right away, but shouldn't be put here -
Oh - Traffic Exchange Page! New ideas - Build another traffic exchange page using JUST a free site - That way anyone can sign up...I HATED that google pages stopped accepting signups just weeks after I used them to build my TE pages...The best free service I ever used for building a quick splash page, and it's gone - So I'm going to use SynthaSite or one of the blogs and build a splash page JUST for list building on Traffic Exchanges...I got nearly 600 subscirbers to my Power Traffic Course - This is the best kind of list building anyone can do - And 600 subscribers isn't Thousands or Millions, but you know what? They read my emails - They respond and ask questions - They see that I'm just like them...I'm learning how to make money online - It's not easy, and I'm not an expert of any kind...But I'm past the initial learning curve and I'm beginning to figure stuff out - That's all I can try to do - Be honest and share what works for me.
So anyway, need another list builder page - Something that ANYONE can set up and do themselves - It will include the traffic exchange stuff, the beginners guide to exchanges, the best paid exchanges online and the best free traffic exchanges - I'm thinking of titles along the lines of "Are you past the Get Rich Stage Yet?" or something like "I'm here for the long haul, are you?" - ANyway, has to be catchy to get attention and has to offer what surfers want - So I will try to come up with a good title to entice subscriptions
Other stuff - Hmm, - Next blog post :)
Friday, January 9, 2009
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