Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Training Series - Part 3 Power Traffic

I know I'm throwing these at you fast, but again, the most important thing is for you to have some early success. The faster you get through the setup, the sooner you can start driving traffic and getting leads & signups.

This email is about getting your promotion campaigns really going strong! The first place I am going to recommend is Link Referral - Now, it's not a typical traffic exchange with timers, etc. Quite simply it's the Best Free Targeted advertising you can get! LinkReferral is great, but you need to keep your site in the top 10 as much as possible. You need to spend about 20 min's day viewing sites and reviewing a few. I choose to pay $35/month and my site is ALWAYS in the top 10. This is $1/day for the best advertising source I know of. Either way, GET YOUR SITE TO LINK REFERRAL FIRST! For free traffic, you can't beat it.

Join Link Referral Here

Next, lets decide how to best spend our money. Now, if you have decided to go 100% free, use Traffic Hoopla to the fullest. They have excellent guidelines and recommendations for traffic generation. Remember it's a Daily Process! If you have the time to surf, please surf the best exchanges and allocate your credits wisely. Use my favorite free exchanges and get as much traffic as you can. Again, I highly recommend the Home Income Team traffic exchange upgrade. If you are serious about online success, $54 is a great deal for the amount of traffic you get. Missed the link? Go get it HERE

If you want to start driving huge amounts of traffic, here are some of my favorite ways to spend a little money.

Swat Traffic 5,000 credits/month package for $15. This will enable you to send 150 hits to your site every single day of the month, and never have to surf. Swat is part of the Home Income Team Pro Upgrade and you get 1 month pro membership here...after that it's $15/month for pro membership. What I decided to do was cancelmy pro membership here and just buy the 5k hits. It works out to 50cents/day for what "should" get me 1 signup/day (if I get 1 referral out of 150 page views)

ILoveHits - This is the only place I INSIST you keep your Pro Membership! It's $9.97/month but ILoveHits has the BEST surfing ratio's for pro members I've found. You get at LEAST 1.25 credits for each page viewed and they also have "Henry Hours" where you earn 2.5 credits for each site surfed. Also, the more you surf, thehigher the ratio goes. If you surf an hour here on a Henry Hour you can earn 3.5+ credits PER SITE! You can rack up 500 credits here in 2 hours of surfing! That's CRAZY GOOD! Also, they have another hit package where you get 3,500 hits/month for $12/month.

HitPirate - 3,500 hit package for $11/month. Again, this is a way for you to send 100+ hits to your site, everyday, for about 40cents/day. You cannot beat this kinda deal! Also, they have pretty good surfing bonuses here. I kept my pro membership and surf here everynight - I love HitPirate.

With the 3 credit packages above, we just got you 12,000 hits every month for $38/month...This takes care of almost 1/2 of our monthly surfing needs for a little over $1/day! Compared to how long it takes to surf for this many credits, this is a STEAL! (even if your not a pro member at these exchanges, you can join free and buy these hit packages.)

In my opinion, it's the best investment you can make for this much hands off advertising.

WebBiz Insider - Not only is it my favorite free traffic exchange, they also have some very good premium membership deals. This is a wait and see kinda deal here, but read the emails for credit. They offer some very good deals sometimes. The one I bought was 6 months Premium Membership for $60 total. This sounds like a lot, right? Well here is what I got - 2,800 credits/month, delivered on a daily basis. 5 downline members added to every month (30 total downline members that I can email and send promotions to). 2 credits for every site I surf AND Credits from my referrals surfing!

So basically I end up with 30 prospects and 120+ hits/ every day for $10/month! On a Premium Traffic Exchange! Oh yeah, this also included 10,000 banner impressions every month and a bunch of text link impressions. Talk about a steal - Now this offer isn't handed out in every email, but when you see something that good, SPEND THE MONEY!

Anyway, this isn't a be all and end all list for you - It's just some suggestions to get you STARTED. Nothing in my program is set in stone. As much as I'm trying to teach what works for me, there are things you have to learn yourself. You also have your own personality and creativity. Some of the exchanges I love, you might hate. You may have some great advertising resource I've never used. So take it for what it is - An immediate way for you to drive traffic to your websites. Once you start driving traffic, you WILL get signups and referrals...it's just a matter of numbers.

These should help get your marketing going so at this point you should be focusing on driving traffic to your sites. There is more to come, but for now, you are ready to get started. This series is not over...I have more tips & tools, but I want you to focus on driving as much traffic to your sites as you can.

For me, I get the stuff listed above and surf about 4 to 5 hours a week. I'm getting nearly 30,000 hits/month with this simple setup and a few other traffic exchanges I use. For you, decide how many hits you want to your site and base your surfing & spending on that. If you want 20k hits/month, you simply need 2,000 hits/month (avg.) on 10 different exchanges. That works out to 500 hits/week for each exchange, or about 70 per day.

Figure out what you want and how to accomplish it. Go in and allocate your credits on a daily basis and try to keep up. Adjust your goals and figure out what works for you.

Until the next lesson,

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