Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Training Series Part 1: Getting Started with Traffic Exchanges

First of all, I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for subscribing. This will be a short series that I put together from my own experience of what works for me. It will take you a little bit of time and effort to get setup, but remember that anything worth value is worth putting your time into!

The most valuable thing you can get by learning this is Promotional Power. What I mean by this is that no matter what programs you join, you will be able to promote them all, instantly, anytime.

Because I have spent SO many months building my list and learning how to drive traffic, I am now able to send my ads to over 750 people on my PERSONAL email list.

I am able to send over 20k hits/month with minimal surfing.

Yes, there is some work involved here. But you must keep in mind the ultimate goal - And that is in a few months you will be able to drive traffic to ANY site you like. Building referrals, downlines and income all at the same time.

I spent 3 months learning this stuff the hard way. I also worked my butt off for Another 3 months to really "get this down" and as streamlined as I could.

You can learn in 2 weeks what took me 6 months. There is also additional resources later on in the series that give you even more promotional power. A lot of that was learned by me over the past few months.My disclaimer is simply this: I don't have "The Answer" - I don't find online marketing to be particularly easy. It's work and if you think you'll become rich in a week, stop fooling yourself. However, what this WILL do is give you a rock solid foundation for generating traffic and begin building a real online business.

Experts estimate that a new person looks into making money online Every 2 Minutes. That is a staggering number! Did you know that 97% of them fail? It can be very frustrating and I have almost quit a few times myself. I have been involved with over 20 different affiliate programs myself. I started in February 2008 and my first 6 months I invested a lot of time, money and resources. For the most part, all I really got were tough lessons.

I'm going to dive right into the training series so you can get going right away. Please don't get overwhelmed! There will be a lot of stuff here but just take your time and do it step by step.1st thing you need to do is get yourself a Rotator. You will be using 1 rotator on all your traffic exchanges. A rotator is essentially a tool you can use to add any website address you want, and assign it a weighted value. The higher the value, the more of your hits get sent to that particular site.

The best thing about a rotator though is that it makes your life a LOT easier. Instead of running around changing your websites at 10 different exchanges, you just change your rotator. Whatever your rotator is set to will AUTOMATICALLY update all your exchanges for you. This is a great tool to have and I wish I had found one earlier in my marketing career - It would have saved me a LOT of time!

First, join TrackThatAd

For the purposes of this email series, you only need the 1 rotator.

For starters you will need your rotator URL - It will look like http://www.trackthatad.com/?s=xxxxx (with the xxx's being YOUR personal rotator number). We are going to enter our rotator as our Main URL on ALL Traffic Exchanges.Using 1 rotator is going to allow you to maximize your advertising efforts. Traffic Exchanges are simply a numbers game - A rotator will allow you to focus your efforts to the sites that perform the best for you.Also, if the exchange only allows 1 url (like WebBiz Insider) then you just enter your rotator as the 1 site.

Anyway, I'm probably going on and on, but once you use one and have to change things 1 time, you'll see how useful this is.Now that you have your rotator, it's time to setup (or update) your traffic exchanges.These are my top 5 list of free exchanges:

EasyHits4U - Great surf ratio, unlimited website, always highly ranked.

TrafficSplash - Lots of bonuses, super quick surfing, run by Great Owners!

WebBiz Insider - Great surfing here, lots of great information, easy to earn lots of credits

HitSafari - Lots of bonuses, great exchange

Traffic Swarm - The biggest exchange online, recently ranked #2 at Traffic Hoopla!

Already in any of these? maybe looking for 1 or 2 others?

Other Top Considerations:

ILoveHits - Fast surfing, bonus pages, outstanding exchange
4x4Hits - Nice bonuses, previously my #5
Traffic Bunnies - Fun to surf, very nice exchange

If you want to know the reasons these are my top Free exchanges, read this article:


It explains the differences between free exchanges, and "not so free" exchanges.

Best example: Hit2Hit - Great exchange, top ranked, and I'm an active member. But you get a 3:1 surf exchange unless you upgrade at some point, meaning you surf 3 sites and get 1 credit. There are better ways to spend your time than by surfing other exchanges where you are working 3x as hard for the same traffic.

The sites above are always well ranked and excellent if you don't want to spend money. If you can spend some, that comes later:You need to download Firefox and learn how to surf with what is called Multi Tab Browsing - This sounds complicated, but it's really very easy to learn. Download Firefox, type in the address for 1 exchange and log in. Then, just go to FILE and open a new tab. Open your next exchange and log in. Rinse & Repeat. Personally, I get the most surfing done with 8 pages. You can open 12 or more, but with 8 you will be able to get through the pages faster - This will help you REALLY rack up credits. Surfing 8 pages on Firefox means your basically getting 8x the results, with the same effort. Start with 3 or 4 to get the hang of it, but add more as you learn it. For me, I'm able to get almost 800 credits each hour of surfing (overall).

This is the only way to surf anymore. We need massive credits to generate traffic. You need to get those credits as efficiently as possible. Don't go so fast that you miss your bonus credits though. Make sure you can at least see what's going on :)

SO, Spend tonight getting your rotator and adding JUST your rotator to whatever exchanges you are a member of (or join some new ones)The next email is on how to start building your own list - This is going to be the most important thing you can build. Even if you find that magic program, you should always be building a personal email list. Programs come and go, but YOUR list is yours forever - And one of the most valuable things you could spend your time on.

By the time this series is over, you will be able to plug in ANY program and get referrals and income.

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