Tuesday, February 26, 2008

my first impression review of AffiliateJunktion!

I found AffiliateJunktion through one of my new networking pals on LinkReferral. As soon as I saw the site I thought it was for me. It is an AffiliateMarketing program and they tell you all about it right up front. Heres the FLASH! Guarantee to make $150/day within 30 days of following their instructions. WOW - That is $1,500 every 10 days, within the first month? That is impressive - When I signed up last week they had the guarantee and would give you the difference between what you were making and the promised $150/day - They have since changed the language a bit, but still, that is a very good amount of money to be earned. To see my Affiliate Junktion site go to http://www.goodlife4all.biz/

The program works as follows: You sign up for 1 year of hosting at IPower. This is a great deal - $59.40 for the 1st year and that includes full hosting services and a domain name. As far as cost, this is one of the best hosting deals I've found! The first thing that attracted me to this sign up offer was the ability to get my own site with MY domain name - This may seem irrelavant to some, but when I see affiliate programs with 7 numbers in it, I don't want to click on it. But a site with a Distinct domain name stands out a little more...but that just might be my own preference.

After you sign up for the 1 year hosting, you send your receipt in to AffiliateJunktion and they immediately credit your account $75! So we have now paid $59.40 but have $75 in our Affiliate account - We are already ahead $15.60. The hosting account also includes $50 in yahoo sponsored search credit and $30 in Google AdWords credits! So as soon as we set up out site we are ahead $95.60. This is a pretty good start - but there is more

On to the meat and potatoes part - Affiliate Junktion is providing outstanding support and easy to follow steps to get us going. You get your affiliate password and go to login and get your site set up. Follow the easy instruction tutorial (takes about 45min's) to get your site name copied and your files uploaded - TIP #1!!!! When you get to the Upload Files Through FTP, if you have ANY problems, TURN OFF YOUR FIREWALL - I lost 3 nights of wasted time because I had never used FTP (file transfer protocol) and my McAfee firewall wouldn't allow the program to send the FTP to upload to my site. I wasted about 8 hours of valuable time going back and forth between IPower & AffiliateJunktion - See, this is one of those mistakes I hope you all avoid! Anyway, I get set up (finally) and move on to the Yahoo UK advertising -

Yahoo UK is a separate search engine for the United Kingdom. Yahoo has not integrated it with Yahoo U.S. AffiliateJunktion has listed this as their #1 place to advertise. You get a free copy of Google Adwords and a 50lb (British Pounds bonus) ad credit for signing up with Yahoo UK - This is $120 in free advertising! I signed up and wrote what I considered to be a Stellar quality ad (I'm high on my own writing LOL) and submitted it for approval - I signed up for 3lb's/day which is about $6/day US and that should give me 25 clicks/day - If that advertising works well, I will raise the amounts.

Advertising thoughts from a newbie - My Yahoo UK advertisement looks like this:
The Revolution of Earning Money Online
Make substantial money online with a Free Affiliate Marketing Program.

Now, is this a good ad? I don't know - but here is my thought process: I HAVE to get attention and get it quickly. I don't have too many words to use. The revolution line 'seems' good to me. Also, at 25cent/click, I want to "prequalify" people just a bit - I don't want everyone clicking my ad if they are looking for "survey programs" - I have a limited budget to start with and I want people to click if they have thought about or may be interested in Affiliate Marketing programs - Is this a terrible idea? I don't know - This was just my thinking process for as few of words that I was given -

Right now I am stalled with Yahoo UK - My site was rejected there because it was just a copy site - Apparently, and this isn't the only time you might find this, a site has to be original and Obviously yours. Not just an affiliate site. So right now I have emailed my affiliate manager about what I can/need to do to get Yahoo UK advertising approved. I will keep everyone updated as to what happens here next. Hopefully I can tweak the site just a bit and get it approved soon! It really does seem like a great Affiliate Program and I'm happy to be promoting it! There are 2 other affiliates that I have networked with that both love it - They are already making close to what A.J. promised $150/day. This is a very realistic & achievable goal.

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