Saturday, February 23, 2008

some "warnings" about me

I am not a highly organized person. The last few days I've had a Thousand & one thoughts about what I want to do here. So my posts will sometimes be random and my thoughts will be incomplete. I hope that I can organize all these in order of importance so that you find it useful, but as I'm starting out, i'm just pouring it on - anything and everything. Like I've said a ton already, Affiliate Marketing is brand new to me and I'm excited about it. But one of my professed problems is that I have a tendency to just jump right in and flat out overwhelm myself. Just yesterday I signed up for a hosting service and a domain name, then cancelled it 20min's later because I realized I probably could just use a blog to post my thoughts about my journey into Affiliate Marketing. I also bought 2 domain names then cancelled them the same night after I realized I spelled Newbie wrong! SO, I will try to slow down and keep things organized here. I really think this will be good for me both personally and professionally. I will try to keep things I find most useful right in the front & very easy to find. But the fact is I'm not a pro - I'm just a regular guy.

I am also a bit long winded - I posted for the 1st time yesterday and it was an entire page. I just wanted to say hi :) I will make every attempt to shorten things up as I know most of us online surfers have no patience for 2 page blogs - we just want the meat & potatoes - But hey, I've got a lot to talk about LOL. Okay, i'm overusing lol and probably will be the entire time. But if you can't enjoy what your doing, then what is the point? If this gets to a point where its all too tedious, then i'll just stop. If I can't keep it fresh and fun it's just not worth it. This site is never going to turn into one of these super short, super serious types of money-making sites that we see all over. For me they all just blend in after a little while.

I love website colors - If you check out BadLuckHandicapper (the first website I ever designed and still work on everyday) you will notice it's just Loaded with color. Someone called it "christmas on crack" but you know what, I wanted it to be different. I want my stuff to stand out a little bit. So if the colors bother you, I don't know, maybe you can use a monitor cover? alright, that's it for now. I'm going to go write a few short reviews about the sites I'm currently enrolled in.

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