Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Saw something about exchange surfing today

and thought I'd pass it on. I read that it's unimaginable to believe that surfers are only surfing 1 exchange at a time. Really? That's all I ever did - But it makes sense. You can pull up a couple of your traffic exchanges and surf 2 windows (or more I guess) and your getting double surfing time in. So I tried it tonight and I have to admit it works pretty efficiently. Now, for me I am very focused on my current blog and my netsuccess links that I'm putting together - So bottom line is I have MORE than enough going on and I'm not really looking for anything more - I honestly do good surfing though. I'm interested in what is on the exchanges and what is being promoted. But if your behind on time, go ahead and pull a couple up and do "zombie surfing". Sometimes you just need to get those surfing credits in!

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